
How am I feeling today?

Feeling like an aimless, no-talent hack, actually. This isn't even worth a blog post, but I thought I might mention it anyway.

===== Feel free to comment on this or any other post.


  1. Must be something going around - my whole household has a case of the sads at the moment, including me.

    I have no tips for moving through it, only the consolation that you are not alone.

    Though I should point out that "no-talent" is an opinion of your writing that I don't share.

  2. I must have been ill yesterday. I woke up at 4:00 this morning with a terrible migraine. I've managed to fight my way through it all day, but am now exhausted by the effort.

    Though I should point out that "no-talent" is an opinion of your writing that I don't share.

    Thank you! Some days are better than others.


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