
Why change is good for you, and why I hate it so much

Yesterday was the day I threw my cap over the wall. I crossed the Rubicon, leapt off the cliff, kissed the girl.

I switched from my old computer to my new computer.

Of course, that doesn't mean I really switched completely, or that my new computer is ready to use. It means that I made the decision to start using this computer all the time. The old one is still on, still running.


Oh, don't be silly. You KNOW why. Even though I copied over all my files via an external hard drive, there are a bazillion things that didn't come over. Bookmarks for Firefox, saved passwords, AutoHotKey scripts, program files, drivers, etc.

These are all the little things that make my computer MINE. I customize my machines... a lot. Shortcuts, links, add-ons, widgets - all of these let me be more efficient in how I work, keep my files organized, keep my calender and contacts up-to-date, etc.

My new computer, though it is much faster and prettier than my old one, is a pain in the neck to use. I'm going from Win XP Pro to Windows 7, going from Word 2003 to Word 2007. Things aren't where they're supposed to be, programs aren't loaded properly, my habitual keystroke commands do nothing at all.

In short, my new computer sucks compared to my old one. It's frustrating to use.

And yet...

This is a chance to leave behind the programs I don't use anymore, to archive the files I don't need, to clear away the cluttering detritus of old projects. Aborted book projects, boring story drafts, collaborations that went nowhere, not to mention all of the old successes. I dwell on my old successes almost as much as I dwell on my old failures. Frankly, it's not good for my outlook or my productivity to have all that old crap staring me in the face every time I open the folders.

Plus, once I get things tweaked a bit, this guy will hum. I'll be able to use the power and abilities of this new machine and these new programs in ways I don't yet even understand.

It's a whole new day.

Fire destroys the habitats that support myriads of life forms, yet that same fire clears away the clutter and allows regrowth and renewal.

Now, if I could just figure out how to tell Windows to leave AutoHotKey in my Startup folder, I'd be in great shape.

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1 comment:

  1. Tip: Go on your old PC and start a FOXMARKS account and save your bookmarks on their server. On your new PC, simply load the Foxmarks widget in your browser and viola, you have bookmarks!!


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