
Wednesday #Poetry: Alter, Fond, Tranquil

Welcome to my regular Wednesday poetry corner, brought to you by Three Word Wednesday and One Shot Wednesday.

Today's words are Alter, Fond, Tranquil.

Pastor Joan tried to alter the altar
With some color adorning the psalter
Tranquil jonquil she'd choose
(she was fond of pale hues)
But the Elders took action to halt her.

===== Feel free to comment on this or any other post.


  1. snort...i live in Overreligeousedness, USA...the belt buckle of the bible belt...a poor new young pastor tried to get rid of the podium last year, he did not last long, kinda sad...

  2. I always love limericks and this one rocks the alter!

  3. Makes you sick - doesn't it! Jolly good limerick, telling of narrow-minded dogma gone mad.

  4. Great limerick. Me and a friend were having a "debate" the other day and I think I win. Limericks are always funny!

  5. Oh, pish on the elders! I hope Pastor Joan keeps putting our what ever flowers she wants. Great limerick.

  6. Oh nice Limerick I really can't write these at all.

  7. Sounds like you go to the same church I do, Tony! Except that "elders" isn't an office, it's an assumption about the congregation… ba-dump-bump

  8. Thanks for reading and commenting, guys! I'm glad you liked it!

    As it happens, I am one of the leaders of my church, and if the pastor wanted to get some new altar paraments in a pale yellow, I'd be willing to give it a try.

  9. great limerick. isn't it sad how some people get upset about little changes.

  10. this was very funny. well done!

  11. Elders are like that. To them beige is a rather outrageous statement - you know?

  12. Damn those elders and their ways of being stuck.


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