
I Accept Anonymous Comments

To the person who sent comments on a recent blog post by private e.mail (and you know who you are):

I do actually accept anonymous comments. It's one of the options on the drop-down menu on the comments bar. You can make your comment and select "anonymous".

I'm saying this here because some of the comments that I got could have been made directly on the post itself, and would have contributed to the discussion.

In fact, there have been other people who only comment on my posts because they can do so anonymously. The spam and offers to buy Russian Rolexes from Nigerian widows get filtered out, but meaningful comments will stay and go into the mix.

===== Feel free to comment on this or any other post.


  1. It wasn't me but, oh, this all sounds so intriguing.

    1. Oh, there are deep waters here, Cathy.

      (Not really, but it does serve to heighten the drama.)

  2. Haha I too find this intriguing and you get offered Nigerian Windows? Perhaps I should read my spam ^_^

    1. It's more that I GET offers from the widows of Nigerian Ministers of Defense, all of whom are richer than Croesus and need a reliable partner to split the money with.

  3. The italics make it seem like you're quoting me.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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