
The Sci-Fi Film Alphabet

From Stephen Wildish.

Very cool. I've got A, B, E, G, I, J, K, M (maybe), N, O, P, Q, T, U, W, X. What are the others?

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  1. "D" is Dune -- I'm thinking Lynch; that kind of looks like Sting's Feyd Rautha. "V" is just that... the original miniseries, if Jane Badler's big 80s hair is anything to go by. "M" - Minority Report? "Z" is Zardoz. The image of Sean Connery in that outfit is blazoned into my brain and I've never even seen the movie.

  2. WA_side's right: H is Marvin from the film version of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. L is The Last Starfighter. I agree that M is probably Minority Report.

    I don't recognize C, but it should have been A Clockwork Orange.

    I don't recognize O or S. F looks like it should be obvious, but it's not...

  3. A Abyss
    B Bladerunner
    E Empire Strikes Back
    G Godzilla
    H Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
    I I Am Legend, which is cute
    J Judge Dredd
    K King Kong; took me a minute to realize that's an arm and not a trenchcoat flapping inn the wind
    P Planet of the Apes
    T Tron
    U ... That's not Universal Soldier, is it?
    W War of the Worlds
    X X-Men
    Z Zardoz, a hilariously awful Sean Connery movie

    Stumped on several because I don't have a memory for uniforms. M in particular could be a dozen movies to me. Also for F, vomiting white stuff just makes me think of Alien, which can't be right but locks up my brain.

  4. To build on what we have so far:

    A Abyss
    B Bladerunner
    C ? Could this be C.H.U.D?
    D Dune
    E Empire Strikes Back
    F ?
    G Godzilla
    H Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
    I I thought this was "I, Robot", but John Wiswell thinks it's "I Am Legend"
    J Judge Dredd
    K King Kong
    L Last Starfighter
    M I thought it was "Mission to Mars", but it could be "Minority Report"
    N Nineteen Eighty Four
    O Omega Man
    P Planet of the Apes
    Q Quarantine
    R Running Man
    S ?
    T Tron
    U Universal Soldier
    V V
    W War of the Worlds
    X X-Men
    Y ?
    Z Zardoz

  5. I think "F" is the Fly. I was just remembering the scene where Jeff Goldblum expectorates formic acid all over a box of donuts... Yech.


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