
White and Nerdy: the checklist

In response to questions by Janet and by Peter about how accurate (or rather, how consanguineous) "White and Nerdy" is for my own life, I'll do some full disclosure below. First, the video:

Now, the disclosure.

White and nerdy checklist (shamelessly taken from this post on the XKCD forums):
  • Mowing front lawn
    • Used to. I have people that mow my lawn for me now. In return, I give them food, shelter, education and a weekly allowance.
  • First of my class
    • Nope. B average in high school, B- in college. I established pretty early on that the marginal rate of return of "grades" vs. "effort expended" hit a sweet spot at a B.
  • D & D champion
    • Used to be.
  • MC Escher
    • I like Escher, but Hopper is more of a favorite.
  • Tea
    • Coffee, thanks.
  • Rims
    • Nope.
  • Action figures
    • Nope. I left action figures behind in the 4th grade.
  • Steven Hawkings in my library
    • I bought, read and understood Brief History of Time when it first came out.
  • Myspace pimpout
    • Never been on MySpace.
  • Decimal places
    • Nope.
  • Ain't got a girl
    • I stopped chasing after girls when I caught up with the woman of my dreams.
  • Still wear braces
    • Never wore braces.
  • Mayo sammiches
    • Mayonnaise is mostly empty calories that I can do without.
  • Minesweeper whiz
    • Back before the invention of Freecell, sure.
  • Fast fingers
    • I touch-type at around 35 wpm.
  • Calculus just for fun
    • Used to, although I don't have much call for it these days.
  • Soldering gun
    • Yep, and a mini-soldering iron, too.
  • Happy Days
    • I like that one, but my favorite theme song? That would be "Greatest American Hero".
  • Pingpong whoop-ass
    • I'm not very good at ping-pong
  • Trivia ace
    • I've been asked not to play. People fear me.
  • Fluency
    • I'm fluent in English, barely literate in Russian and have a smattering of Portuguese. No Javascript or Klingon.
  • Segway
    • Nope. I do have a bicycle, though.
  • Schrodinger equation
    • Optimist: "That glass is half full." Pessimist: "That glass is half empty." Schrodinger: "That glass gives me an idea..."
  • Extension cords
    • I have too many to count, but I would never give one as a gift.
  • X-Men comics
    • I used to collect them, still have several year's worth in a box somewhere.
  • Pens in my pocket
    • Only one, but it's a rare Parker 51, tan with double-diamond caps.
  • Ergonomic keyboard
    • Yep. Wireless, too.
  • Shopping online
    • All the time.
  • Wikipedia
    • I've written articles and edited others'.
  • Monty Python
    • Idiom?
    • TKTK
  • Websites
    • Welcome to it.
  • Fanny pack
    • Used to. Now I have an exploration vest with umpteen pockets, the kind photographers wear. Same function, somewhat less dorky looking.
  • Sale at Gap
    • I remember when The Gap sold blue jeans and nothing else. 1981?
  • Bubble wrap
    • No comment.
  • Badminton
    • Can't recall ever playing it.
  • Whiter than sourcream
    • Pretty much.
  • Clubs
    • High school: drama, chorus, speech competitions, rifle club, chess club, school newspaper, bowling club, track team (shotput & discus)
    • College: drama, Kuviasungnerk
  • Kirk or Picard?
    • Picard
  • Ren Faire
    • I've enjoyed every Renaissance Fair I've gone to.
  • Underwear with my name
    • Nope
  • Star Wars Holiday Special
    • Saw it when it was broadcast, but not since then.
  • Bowling
    • Yep. I own my own shoes.
  • Identify the extras in the video?
    • Seth Green and Donny Osmond
===== Feel free to comment on this or any other post.

1 comment:

  1. Can't watch the video because I'm at work and it's hard to SNEAK you Tube but I'm with ya on the white as sour cream bit. Sometimes people squint because of the glare off my forehead.


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