
Wednesday limerick: amuse, excite, sincere

Each Wednesday, I compose a limerick based on the prompt from Three Word Wednesday. Today's words are: amuse, excite, sincere  (it's more fun if you read it aloud - try it!):

"You made this amuse-bouche with WOOD?!"
"Try it! It's really quite good!"
"I know you're sincere
about 'High-Fiber' here,
but it fails to excite as it should."

    ~~~~~ * * * ~~~~~

Protip: if the menu says that the appetizers are made with all natural, organic, freshly ground sawdust? You're in the wrong restaurant.

My book of limericks inspired by Three Word Wednesday is FREE to borrow from Amazon:

"They made me laugh, they made me sad, they made me think and squirm and reflect. ... Tony Noland has a way with words that is nothing short of astonishing" - Jeff Posey, Amazon review

That's right, FREE. Of course, if you're not in Amazon Prime, it still only costs $0.99. That's less than a coffee. And I'm not talking Starbuck's, I'm talking about the burnt mud they sell at the convenience store. It's worth the buck - you'll love it!

Don't have a Kindle? NO PROBLEM! Get one of the free Kindle apps for PC, Mac, iPhone, Android and a host of other devices. You can read "Poetry on the Fly" (or any of my other great writing) anywhere you like!

===== Feel free to comment on this or any other post.


  1. Replies
    1. Smiling with your muse
      Nice work with the words

  2. Now that's a good, rhythmic limerick.

  3. Enjoyed this one - I like your work.

  4. Fun limerick!
    I too used those words in a limericks. :)

  5. well done as usual Tony.Very witty

  6. Sweet! Well maybe that's not quite the right word to describe it, but this was a fun treat for the mind if not the stomach.


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