
#FridayFlash: Elegy On A Biopsy Needle

Loving woman, loving wife
All devoted, through long life
No temptation e'er so strong
To make her stray, nor siren song

Yet her virtue falls at last
By fingers' probe: hard and mass'd
She that held her body pure,
Penetration to endure

Her breast caressed so long ago
That first touch by her first beau
Now clamped down tight, tissues held
In plastic grip of iron weld.

No lover's hand, gently led
Nor warm softness, silken bed
But hard and sharp, stainless steel
Deeply stabs her, cold ordeal

Virgin again, second pain
Fear, not passion, fills her brain
Blood flows freely, bandage draped
Biopsy done: needle raped

Afterglow all born of hell
Dressing again o'er the swell
And now, as then, waiting begin,
What new-born life grows within?

===== Feel free to comment on this or any other post.


  1. I fear this is more personal than I'd care to think. I hope I am wrong, but if not, I hope the news is good.

    As to flash, I've always said as long as a poem tells a story it fits in just fine was a #FridayFlash.

    1. Yes, this is rather personal, but the news is good, so far at least.

      I'm glad I didn't push the FridayFlash envelope too far!

  2. Well that reminded me of my own biopsy when I discovered I had breast cancer - so your rhyming couplets certainly got the job of telling a story over. ^_^

    1. Then I'm not only glad I did a decent job of evocation, I'm glad to have you with us!

    2. Thanks Tony I'm now a survivor of coming up to 17 years. ^_^

  3. I'm with Jon, hoping this isn't a true story…

    1. Not exactly true, but not exactly not true, if you know what I mean.

  4. I think this makes an even more compelling poem because of the subject matter -- and I hope it is just a poem, for you!-- it really captures... everything.

  5. But I thought you didn't need a biopsy, Tony! Urgh, how gnarly...

    1. Yes, I was expecting one yesterday, but fortunately, I'm now in the "wait and see, might be nothing, keep an eye on it, come back in 8 months" phase of things. No needle rape for me this week!

      I started out writing this about myself, but found that I couldn't do that with a straight face. Switched it to a woman and breast cancer instead.

  6. really strong interweaving of a needle/flesh and love & romance

    marc nash

  7. This feels bold and different. *salutes* What more can one ask for?

  8. Now that was disturbing... I salute you, Tony!

  9. Disturbing certainly, but there is beauty too.
    "No lover's hand, gently led
    Nor warm softness, silken bed":
    these lines are wonderfully written and stood out for me, amongst others.

  10. Oh geez. Agree with FlyingScribbler, frightening and yet somehow poetic. And kudos for taking on the subject for Friday Flash!

    1. Difficult subject matter just begs to be treated with poetry.

  11. Then again, it is a poem. Sigh. I missed my nap today.

  12. Well this is not only brilliantly captured but the tone approrpriate and getting it to rhyme too is just brilliant. Well done Tony, you've done a great job of this topic :)


  14. This is quite sad, but you've written it in an incredibly tight way.


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