
#ABNA - congratulations to the 3rd round

From the Grammarian, Professor Verbosity and myself, congratulations to all the writers whose books are moving on to the 3rd round of the ABNA! I'm not among you, but it was fun and exciting while it lasted!

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  1. Bummer you didn't make the cut! So what's next?

  2. Sorry to hear you didn't make the cut, Tony, but good on you for giving it a go.

  3. Congrats to those who made it! What's your next move for the Grammarian?

  4. Congrats indeed to those who proceeded to the next level. Sorry you did not make the next round, but at least you know you have a stellar pitch! And indeed, it WAS fun while it lasted :( Peace...

  5. Thanks, everyone. Next steps for the Grammarian are another read-through, a trimming of a scene with too much talky exposition and more queries. There's one agent who's asked to see the sub after getting a twitter pitch. We'll see.

    As Linda said, it was fun while it lasted. We made the first round, so we can take comfort in the quality of our pitches. As for our excerpts not carrying us through this round... well, that's feedback of a kind, too.

  6. Hey, you made it further than me. Congratulations on the early success, and best wishes with more open-minded agencies.


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