
Nothing will cure you

There is no pill to make you stupid.
There is no pill to make you smart.
There is no pill to make you pretty.
There is no pill to make you brave.
There is no pill to make you happy.
There is a pill to make you thin, but it contains a tapeworm.
There is no pill to make you taller.
There is no pill to make you rich.
There is no pill to make you successful.
There is no pill to make you Neo, but the red pill will give you a chance to prove yourself.
There is no pill to make you talented.
There is no pill to make you confident.
There is no pill to make you empathetic.
There is no pill to make you the size of an ant, no matter what Henry Pym says.
There is no pill to make you white.
There is no pill to make you black.
There is no pill to make you different from your parents.
There is no pill to make you straight.
There is no pill to make you gay.
There is no pill to make you finish writing that damn book.
There is no pill to make you start writing that damn book, either.
There is no pill to make you funny.
There is no pill to make other people take you seriously.
There is no pill to make you see past the cultural blinders you wear.
There is no pill to make you better.

There is no pill that will cure you, because the things that you want to change about yourself aren't cured by pills.

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