
O is for Opener

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O is for Opener

I know, I know... who needs a specialized tool for opening paint cans when a screwdriver works just fine?

Take a look at the gouged lip of your paint cans, genius. See those little dings and points? They keep your can from sealing properly when you tap the lid back in place. Your screwdriver levered the lip curl both UP and OUT. The opener you see above you only levers the lip curl UP. Small difference, but it preserves the integrity of the lid.

An opener like that is only three bucks. Go buy one and stop using a screwdriver to open your cans.

BONUS TIP: When putting the lid back on a can of paint, drape a cloth over the top of the can. That way, when you tap the lid with a hammer, the paint splatters are contained by the cloth and you walk away spot-free.

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  1. And - BONUS! - you can open beer bottles with the other end!

  2. See, I didn't even know these things existed but I suspect I shall need one in the near future!

    1. The difference between using a good-enough tool and the right tool is like a lightbulb vs. the sunrise.

  3. The gouged lips of paint cans is one of the first strokes of design genius that I comprehended as a kid. They changed how I looked at many basic things. I still can't grasp why soda bottles are shaped like that, but functionality is rippled all around us.

    1. John, if you haven't read it already, you'd probably like The Evolution of Useful Things. It examines just that sort of everyday design.


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