
A great, sucking void

While I was away, this space was left mostly empty.

Instead of a succession of pre-written posts (which I didn't have time to pre-write), spontaneous mini-posts written during the week (which I didn't have the energy to write), funny videos (which I didn't have the heart to inflict on you) or excerpts from my soon-to-be-released novel (which I'm too conflicted about to post), I instead posted a whole lot of nothing.

It's entirely possible that no one noticed this absence. Logically, this would imply that no one will notice that I'm back. This, in turn, calls into question the larger issues of purpose and the meaning of existence, here at this blog and, in a larger sense, in the world in general.

However, just because life asks you a question, that doesn't mean you have to answer it. At least, not right away.

||| Comments are welcome |||
Help keep the words flowing.


  1. You were gone, I was mostly gone. Hey, have you ever noticed that nobody has seen us both at the same time?

  2. So everything going well with the Grammarian? Let me know when it comes out and I'll tweet links and stuff for you! :D

  3. I notice that you're back! And as for the empty blog, that's how best=laid plans tend to work out, in my experience.

    1. Yep. Too late to do anything about it now, eh?

  4. You sound pretty overwhelmed even now, my friend. I hope you're doing okay.

    1. My standards for "doing okay" are perforce pretty flexible these days. Still running on the ragged edge of failure, that's me.

  5. I was away as well so I didn't notice you were gone but I sure am glad that you're back!

  6. "...excerpts from my soon-to-be-released novel (which I'm too conflicted about to post)"

    Two possibilities spring to mind reading the above:

    1) You're going to have to dig to the bottom of the conflicted-ness
    2) Ignore it, post the excerpts and/or send The Grammarian out into the publishing world to earn his keep

    My vote, which doesn't count for anything, is for the latter.

    As for the meaning of existence...there we might stray into the existence of meaning...

  7. Welcome back, Tony! I hope you had a good break.


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