
Which book to write for NaNoWriMo?

Which one should I write?

1. A talented but untried junior executive is recruited to be a high-level fixer in one of the Company's most corrupt divisions, an assignment he's not allowed to refuse. Who's pulling the strings? Who can he trust? More importantly, can he clean the place up before it destroys him?

2. The Grammarian's new protégé Halo Dahlia is taking well to her training, but just as she's about to fly solo as a superhero, she throws it all away to help one of the worst criminals in Lexicon City. What terrible power can the Shadow Lord have over her? More importantly, how can the Grammarian stop his friend without killing her?

Think about it. Meanwhile, here's a trailer for a TV show:

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  1. Personally, I'd like you to choose option two because I'd like to read that book, but whichever one you feel can lead you through the 50k words in November is the best choice. (Wow, what a cop-out answer from me that second part was, eh?)

    1. No cop-out. Your logic is persuasive. I've been meaning to write Number One for a while now.

  2. NaNo is really about going with your heart. Which story will flow more easily than the other? Which requires the least research along the way? Which is more fully plotted? Which one makes you happy?

    I was going to work on finishing my novel from last year. I really like the story and the writing is good. It needs editing, but it's not total crap. But then I was looking through an old idea journal and a different story made me smile. I need to write something that will make me smile right now so that's what I'm going with.

    1. Number One will be easier, and it's been nagging at me for some time.

    2. I love the idea of a second Grammarian book (Halo Dahlia?! And I thought my puns were bad ...) but you've just come out of that, and unless it's being begging to be written and you'd enjoy it, you'd probably be better of with what's behind door number 1. The first book would probably be a great palate cleanser, besides being something I think you'd do really well at.


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