Everything falls apart

Since May of last year, I've been pulled hard in a half-dozen different directions. Something had to give, and Landless was it. I never declared an official hiatus, but blog posts have trickled down to nothing. I stopped writing limericks for Three Word Wednesday and I finally was forced to stop writing Friday Flash stories.

I'd guess that barely a dozen people noticed this change, and even fewer commented on it. That should tell me something about the significance of this space to other people. I'm still not sure what it says about the significance of this space to me.

Things are mostly unchanged with respect to the demands put on my time and attention. I'd hoped that this would have gotten better by now, but it hasn't. Maybe things will get better in a month or two, maybe not. In the meantime, blog posts like this will be like the irregular mugfuls of water guiltily poured onto half-dead, half-forgotten houseplants, kept alive more out of habit than out of love.

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Help keep the words flowing.


  1. As soon as I found out you were going to be in Eastern Europe over the second half of December, I got worried that if I asked too many questions something bad would happen. Because that's what happens to people in John Le Carré novels when they ask about travels to Eastern Europe.

    So whatever's up, I how it's not blowing any networks. I mean I hope it's going well.

  2. *sigh* I wish you hadn't brought up Prague, because that forces my hand.

    I'm sorry about this, Katherine, I really am. It's just business, and I have no choice in the matter.

    But I want you to know... I'll miss you.

    ***BLAM! BLAM!***

  3. Do what you have to do. Been there and understand.

  4. I noticed, but I didn't see how mentioning it would help or make you feel better. I'm sorry if you interpreted that as not caring -- I didn't mean it that way. And I'm sorry if my not saying anything made you think you're not important to me or that your blog or writing aren't important to me. That's not so either. Quite the contrary.

    Hang in there and when you're ready to kick it back into gear I'll be here. Promise.

    1. My apologies, Janet - I didn't mean for this to imply lack of care or concern by you or anyone else. It's just the realities of how things are for me right now.

  5. We all need a break every now and again. Make adjustments, Tony. Don't quit. You may not believe it but more people follow you than you might think. I hope you find some respite, soon.

  6. I'd noticed the drop off in posts, but I wasn't going to bother you about it. I just presumed that personal and professional demands had eaten up your time. I think most people would consider it rude to ask for your reasoning on scaling things back.

  7. I'd noticed the drop-off in tweets and stories, but I figured you were buckling down on your next novel and were just too busy. I'm sorry you thought no-one noticed. I did. :)

  8. So I just got here, can't really comment on the lack of posts but I would love to read more Just Enough Power.

    1. I'm glad you like it. Just Enough Power is the project to tackle after I finish with my current WIP.

  9. Thanks, guys. It's helpful to know that I've got some crew out there. 8-)


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