
10 Reasons Hobby Lobby Won't Cover Contraception

Since Hobby Lobby is a person now, I asked him (of course it's a HIM) why he won't cover contraception for his females employees. He gave me 10 reasons:

10. Because I don't want you to have it.

9. It's against my religious beliefs.

8. My worldview does not encompass women having the same priority as men.

7. "Volitional performance" only applies to penis, not uterus.

6. That costs me money.

5. All that "women's stuff" is just ick.

4. Because if SCOTUS falls for this, we can bar transplants, too. Which are even MORE expensive. Duh.

3. Go make me a sandwich and don't worry about reason #3. You wouldn't understand it anyway.

2. Nobody in MY family ever used contraception, and this is a family business. With family values.

1. Because AMERICA!

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