
A new Six Minute Story

I wrote a Six Minute Story this morning. Dashing off a poem so quickly and extemporaneously means there are bound to be a few scanning errors, but that's part of the fun. It might make more sense if the story prompt were included, but I think you'll still get the picture. Read it here.

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The Importance of Arbitrary Limits

What is the point of an arbitrary limit? Why set for yourself boundaries that mustn’t be crossed? With the entire world of art and letters, politics and emotion and everything else before you, why choose a number of words as the defining characteristic?

Why, indeed.

We might as well ask why an apple is round, or why birds have hollow bones. Weight, height, depth, length… these are physical limitations, constraints to which the organisms responds. Working within them, novel solutions – often amazing solutions – arise which pave the way to achieving the ultimate goal.

We set limits because therein glories lie.

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Happy Pi Day!

Happy Pi Day!

As you are no doubt aware, March 14 is celebrated as Pi Day in the United States, since we use the convention of designating dates. This gives us a 3.14 every year, a date to celebrate math and irrationality.

It also prompts an awful lot of "Americans use a dumb date designation system, and should do it day.month.year, i.e. the way WE do it." comments in social media, but we won't talk about that because America! Also because everyone else is obviously jealous because 14.3.15 means nothing, so their approbation is therefore beneath notice.

But I digress.

As you may have heard, this year is a very special Pi Day. In just about an hour from when I'm writing this, it will be 3.14.15, 9:26:53, the only moment in my lifetime when the date and local time will align to produce the digits of Pi to 9 decimal places. This moment won't come around again for another hundred years!

And who knows? By then, America might have switched to day.month.year, or to the even more logical Hell, we might even be using the metric system by then. Who knows what the 22nd century will bring?

Happy Pi Day, everyone!

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Earthquake movies

I love a good disaster flick. "San Andreas" looks like it'll qualify.

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